You’re juggling parenting, teaching, work, health and plenty more these days. In challenging times, re-acquiring some semblance of routine is perhaps the most important first step. So we hope the tips and resources below will help you and your family add to and strengthen your daily routines.
And remember – you’re doing great! We’ve been so inspired by the stories from parents and teachers – the ups, downs and everything in-between. Keep connecting with us using #mothergooseclub on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Morning: Healthy Habits
Starting the morning off right can set the tone for the rest of the day. And developing healthy habits early in life can bring lifelong benefits, so it’s never too early to start. And now better than ever!
Mother Goose Club videos use song and dance to model these types of positive behaviors. Tidy up the bedroom with Eep, Baa Baa and Mary in “Mulberry Bush”, and then get those pearly whites right in “Brush Your Teeth” with Teddy. And remember to practice good manners, please!
Midday: Reading & Writing Practice
Keep the momentum going with some reading and writing practice. Our collection of free printables for preschoolers are based on our nursery rhyme videos, so pair them with a Mother Goose Club sing-along for some interactive learning. Or use them to supplement your existing homeschooling lessons.
Afternoon: Get Active
Time to stretch and get those wiggles out! If you’re hunkering down indoors, our catalog offers plenty of videos that inspire movement and play-based learning. So gather the family and get active with the below:
Nighttime: Wind Down
Wind down with some family-time – explore our craft ideas and stream Mother Goose Club tunes in the background. Or keep it even lighter with a movie and some popcorn – we love this list of 25 kids movies with an activity to go-along.
And once the kiddos are tuckered out and tucked in, remember to take some guilt-free me-time!
More Resources
Another successful day! It wasn’t perfect, but as long as you’re communicating, connecting and chipping away at learning goals, progress is being made. For more brain boosting and lesson planning throughout the day, we also recommend checking out Khan Academy, Wide Open School and YouTube Learning – all offering free tools to help parents and educators adapt and thrive in their new virtual environments.
Also browse this curated list of live events for preschoolers and work them into your daily routines. The events include virtual storytimes, virtual drawing lessons, music classes and more. We’ll see you there!