Parents always seem like superheroes to their children, and honestly…they kinda are. As parents, you protect, love, teach, play with, comfort, and provide for your children every day of their lives, and you are by far the most important people in the world for them. However, parenting is a taxing job, and no parent is immune to burn out. For you to be the best parent you can be, especially in these trying times, you need to remember to care for yourself. So, to keep your superpowers at 100 percent, here are five (stay at home) self-care tips you should do each day.
Pamper Yourself
When you’re running around for most of the day and night, it’s easy for the little luxuries that we all need to survive to go by the wayside. It’s a shame, because setting aside a half hour to an hour each day for pampering can go a very long way. What do you like to do to unwind? Soak your feet in hot water? Watch bad movies? Eat chocolates? Maybe all of those at the same time? Whatever it is, make ‘me time’ a priority.
Stay Healthy
Taking care of our health is more than just a chore we have to push ourselves through—it is a vital part of not only our physical well-being, but our emotional well-being as well. Studies show that spending fifteen or so minutes on the treadmill releases endorphins that give us energy and improves our outlook on life. The same principle applies to nutrition as well, and don’t forget about a good night sleep either. All-in-all, healthy habits help us stay at the top of our game.
Do Hobbies You Enjoy
Because of the global pandemic, many of us are finding ourselves with a lot of time off. However, it’s far from a vacation. Aside from the very present fears of getting sick and suffering from financial straits, many of the hobbies we would usually be doing during a break from work are barred off. However, there are still tons of activities we can do right from home. This includes shooting hoops in the backyard, playing video games, listening to audiobooks, doing yoga, cooking, practicing karate, dancing, woodworking, and much more. You can even partially include your children in many of these hobbies, letting you both spend time with them and invite them into something that you love to do at the same time.
Stay Connected
Your children are some of your closest friends, but sometimes you need people closer to you in age to interact with, so remember to get in touch with some friends who you enjoy spending time with. Find ways to catch up, such as restarting your book club through video chat or spending an hour talking to a buddy on the phone. Keeping in contact with others helps us feel more energized and less isolated, two things that are important now more than ever.
Focus on Personal Fulfillment
Finally, parents do best by their children when they are able to find fulfillment as individuals. Make your children proud of you by focusing on things that make you proud of yourself. Maybe finish that song you’ve been writing, or spend some time working on your start-up. Personal achievements give us confidence and contentment, and helps us be our best selves for the people we love.
Parenting takes a lot out of you. Having to sacrifice so much for your family, though worthwhile, is still hard work. And now, with school, sports, and playdates no longer an option, parents all around the world are feeling the pressure more than ever. However, there are still many ways to ease the stress on your body and mind, helping you stay the superheroes your kids need you to be.
For more ‘me time’ suggestions and parent self-care tips, check out Me Time Moments for a Balanced Holiday at the Mother Goose Club.